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City votes against reduced traffic speeds outside daycare

Apr 17, 2018 | 10:00 AM

North Battleford’s city council decided to leave the traffic speed the same outside a local daycare centre at its recent meeting.

The city received a request for reduced traffic speeds from North Battleford Daycare, located at 1312-99 Street in the basement of St. Paul’s Anglican Church. Council ultimately voted against changing the speed limit, but encouraged the facility to educate parents and children who use the centre about road safety, and to increase safety signage on its property.

“I think we all want to be in a safe community, but as was noted, city streets are for vehicles and proper precautions need to happen,” Mayor Ryan Bater said. “A lot of it comes back to the old adage: ‘Look both ways before you cross the street.’”

Daycare Director Haley Dubrule said she requested the speed limit reduction after seeing motorists who appeared to be driving too fast through the area, even when passing buses dropping off or picking up children.

Community Safety Officer Ross MacAngus monitored traffic for a day outside the site and found vehicles didn’t exceed the 50 km/h speed limit. City administration said MacAngus found bus drop-offs and pick-ups were done safely, with the buses pulling over curbside.  

Bater said City Manager Jim Puffault said he will complete research about what types of “children at play” signage already exist in the city, as a possible option for the site. If the city reduced speeds for this particular daycare, Puffault said it would set a precedent and the city would then have to provide signage for other daycare locations.

“If we’re going to do it, there has to be some stringent rules and regulations on it, because it is costly. A lot of times, if it is an individual request, we suggest to the people making the request that maybe that’s their cost, not the city/taxpayers as a whole,” he said.

Administration will come back to council with its findings and a report on the matter at a future date.

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