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Melfort Multi-K

Sep 4, 2017 | 10:12 AM

The Melfort 1-5-10-21 km Multi K Run will be September 16 starting at the Kerry Vickar Centre.

Full information is on the attached poster.

Course Rules

1. No form of locomotion other than running, walking is allowed.
Participants registered in the Half Marathon (21.1KM) event are expected to run as much of the course as possible.
Half Marathon (21.1KM) course is open for 3 hours (9:00 AM – 11:30).
For Half Marathon pace calculations, that is 11:22 per km (5.28 kph) or 18:18 per mile (3.28 mph)
Participants must be able to complete the Half Marathon within those time parameters.
The MMK assumes no responsibility (including traffic control, medical and aid station support) for registered participants still out on the course after these times. However, out of respect for our participants, a small finish line, timing and medical crew will typically remain in place until the final participant crosses the finish line.

2. In order to receive a finisher medal and be eligible for any awards, participants must successfully complete their registered event in accordance with the course rules.
Participants who are unable to complete their registered event for any reason (for example, someone registered in the Half Marathon (21KM) who “opts out” at the 10KM point, whether by unfortunate injury or by deliberate design) will not be eligible to receive a finisher medal nor will they be eligible for any awards. Their race time will be listed as DNF (did not finish). 
NOTE: Course marshals are in place to monitor and record the race number of any Half Marathon or 10KM participant who “opt out” into the shorter event. That race number will be communicated to the finish line. 

3. The minimum age for participation in the:
Half Marathon (Run) 14 years as of race day.
1KM Fun Run Maximum age 12 years old as of race day.

 4. The only wheeled device allowed on the course include jogging strollers or wheelchairs.   
Bicycles, skateboards, scooters, roller skates, roller blades, wheeled running shoes and so forth are not allowed on the course at anytime
Wheelchair participants are strongly urged to wear cycling helmets in accordance with local regulations and common sense.

5. While the Melfort Multi K does not currently ban the use of portable headphone devices (iPods, MP3 players, etc.) the use of such items is discouraged – for your safety and the safety of others. 
You MUST be aware of your surroundings at all times and this includes being able to hear any verbal warnings or instructions from police or course officials…or to the sound of any oncoming vehicles and other participants on the course. 
If you choose to wear a portable headphone device during the race, you do so at your own risk and on your own responsibility.
The abuse of portable headphone devices can result in disqualification.
In general guideline terms, “abuse” refers to being so distracted by what you’re listening to that you become oblivious to your fellow participants, spectators, course marshals, finish line officials, medical personnel, or vehicle traffic.
Only you can help us prevent an outright ban on headphones…by being aware of your surroundings at all times and – if you do choose to wear headphones – by wearing your headphones in a responsible, courteous and safety-conscious manner (eg. wearing just one earphone or having the volume really low). 
If the wearing of headphones at our event becomes a problem, they will be banned. So please: be responsible, be aware and be safe. 

6. No pets or animals are allowed on the course, with the exception of official guide dogs for the visually impaired. 

7. Escort runners/walkers are not allowed, except for parents/guardians escorting small children in the 1KM Fun Run.
Parents/guardians escorting small children in the 1KM Fun Run are not required to register as participants.

8. Runners must follow the marked course in the direction the course is laid out. Deviation will result in disqualification.
Proceeding on the course in the reverse direction (running or walking the course from finish-to-start) is prohibited.
Participants running or walking backwards are not allowed. Violation will result in disqualification.  

9. Medical personnel and race officials have the right to remove any participant from the race who is judged to be physically incapable of continuing without risk of serious injury or death.

10. All participants are requested and expected to follow the directions of race officials, medical personnel, police and public authorities. 
We ask that you treat your fellow participants and all race volunteers with the same courtesy and respect you would wish to receive yourself.

11. Participants must wear their race number on the front of their clothing at all times. Altering or failing to wear the race number will result in disqualification. 
The number must be clearly visible at all times, particularly at the Finish Line. 
Exception is given to the first few kilometers of the race, where a race number may be TEMPORARILY covered by warm-up clothing.

12. Participants are allowed to switch events prior to race day, by the end of race package pick up. 
Please make any requests for event switches ASAP at  No event switching is allowed on race day.
All final decisions regarding event switches are at the discretion of the race organizers.

13. Race registrations may not be transferred, given or sold to a third party. Registrations are not deferrable to another year.
Those racing under a false identity are not covered by event insurance and are not eligible for an official race time or any overall or age category awards. In addition, they can be disqualified and barred from entering future MMK events.
100% Refund Deadline: Participants who contact us via email by 11:59 PM (local Saskatchewan time) August 28th to officially withdraw will be eligible for a 100% refund of the total paid for registration fees a less any credit card processing charges.  After August 28th, no fees or payments will be refunded for any reason.

14. The Melfort Multi K takes place rain or shine, within the reasonable weather expectations for the middle of a Saskatchewan September. In the event that weather conditions are deemed by Melfort Multi K organizers to be potentially hazardous to participants and volunteers, the MMK organizers reserve the right to briefly postpone or cancel the event outright. Cancellation of the event may take place either prior to the start of the event or at any time while the event is taking place.
A brief postponement and/or outright cancellation of the event may also take place for any other reason or situation wherein the MMK organizers feel conditions may be potentially unsafe for participants and volunteers.
The decision of the Race Director is final. There will be no refunds or deferrals for weather cancellation or cancellation of the event for any reason.
In the event of cancellation for any reason – including but not limited to weather conditions – funds not required to cover race expenses will be donated back to the community.

15. The decision of the Race Director in regards to rules, awards, disqualification and event cancellation is FINAL.

16. The MMK is not responsible for sending out information or materials to incomplete or incorrect addresses.

17. By registering to participate in the Melfort Multi K, you hereby agree to follow these rules.