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Summer Drama Camps – Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan

Feb 22, 2017 | 6:16 PM

Announcing a new programming initiative for 2017: drama camps for pre-teens and teens to be held right on our riverside site, and led by members of our acting company!

Imagine a two-week drama camp where you and your friends learn about the beauty and hidden meanings in the language of the world’s greatest playwright.  Then imagine coming to that camp on the picturesque riverbank in downtown Saskatoon and creating your own Shakespearean memories under the skillful direction of a professional actor!

Youth ages 11 to 13 and 14 to 18 can experience all of this and more including free tickets to our main stage performances of Twelfth Night, a chance to meet some of the actors during the rehearsal process, and a wind-up BBQ hosted by Artistic Producer Will Brooks!

Our summer drama camps are the perfect place to meet new friends, spend time outdoors, and develop skills like voice and movement, textual analysis, and character creation. Our camps will be led by professional actors performing on our stage as part of our summer company. These actors will give students a deep understanding of the life and stories behind the words of Shakespeare, as well as increased confidence and skills in public speaking, teamwork, literacy, adaptability, and much more.

No experience necessary, just a willingness to explore, have fun and be creative!  The camps run August 8 to 18 and the cost is $400 per student.  If you require funding assistance, please contact us directly for more information.

Call 306-653-2300 (weekdays 9 to 5 pm) for more information or to book your summer camp today!  You can also book online at:

“We are such stuff as dreams are made on” –The Tempest