Battleford Legion still a big part of the community
Like the veterans it was designed to serve, the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #9 in Battleford continues to thrive and remains as strong presence as it was when it was first chartered over 91 years ago.
Esther Delainey, who is currently serving her eighth year as Branch #9 president, said the Legion maintains its presence because of its core of members.
“We currently have around 80 Legion members on average,” said Delainey, who sworn in on Monday, Feb. 6 along with the rest of the Legion officers. “Each year we lose some members from moving away or passing away, but we usually gain members that offset any losses we have.”
Following World War I, as many as 15 veterans groups were organized to assist returning veterans in Canada. In 1925 following a visit by Field Marshall Earl Haig, founder of the British Empire Service League, Haig urged the organizations to merge together and in November 1925, the Canadian Legion was founded in Winnipeg, Manitoba with the Battleford having their Legion Branch #9 chartered in October of 1926.