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Leisure services hoping to add new position in 2017

Dec 15, 2016 | 7:17 AM

After a report revealed leisure services management staff are spending a collective 27 hours every day just on scheduling, the department asked to create a new position to help lighten the load.

Director of leisure services Bill Samborski made an appeal to North Battleford City Council last night, Dec. 14, to approve the new position. He said he was shocked to learn the time spent on scheduling.

“That is taking away from creative programming, quality control, and safety supervision,” he said. “It’s a significant, ultimate priority to us. Our [employee] scheduling… doesn’t always happen between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. either–we’re getting texts, emails, phone calls in the evenings, on weekends, and it’s affecting the quality of life of some of these people.”

Samborski said knowing how much time is spent on scheduling, he wondered if just one additional staff member would be enough. He said the department would evaluate further, but for this year the new position will suffice.