Fort Battleford playing host to Canada Day celebrations
This year’s Canada Day will centre on Fort Battleford with celebrations and fireworks taking place at the historic landmark.
Fort Battleford is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, July 1 and the opening ceremonies are set for noon. Events will include singing O Canada, greetings from dignitaries and the cutting of the country’s birthday cake. Finally the fireworks end the celebrations at 10:45 p.m. with viewing sites back at the fort.
During the course of the day, there will be a variety of activities including historic games, a trade show and wagon rides, but Rae Horsman, the chair of the Battle River Settlement Foundation feels one event should be a big draw for crowds
“For sure the rifle line. There will be a historic rifle demonstration which will be a lot of fun,” Horsman said. “I know the staff work hard on that rifle demonstration so that’s always a neat show.”