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Parkinson’s Support Group Meeting

Feb 13, 2018 | 7:06 AM

Twenty hardy souls braved the frigid windy weather to come to the Parkinson’s Support group meeting on Monday afternoon in Battleford.

Guest Speaker, Eugene Lai, and Occupational Therapist from the Saskatchewan Health Authority spoke to the group.

He had some useful suggestions for overcoming the limitations imposed by Parkinson’s.

He is willing to make home visits and assist families in making their homes safer and more convenient and efficient for people struggling with their various disabilities.

Our next meeting will be on Monday, March 12 with a program yet to be announced.

Jennifer Shoeck, Saskatchewan Parkinson’s Community Development Coordinator for Northern Saskatchewan, will attend our meeting on April 9. She will be bringing information about the provincial Parkinson’s Education conference, Inspired Movement, which will be held on April 27 and 28 at the Saskatoon Inn.

This support group meets monthly in the Lions Clubhouse, 162 – 22nd Street, in Battleford, on the second Monday at 1:30pm.

Anyone who is living with Parkinson’s disease, or caring for someone with the disease, is most welcome.

There is no charge.

For information, phone: Sharlene at 306-445-8800, or Mary at 306-937-2987.