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How To Create Lag for More Power

Aug 28, 2017 | 9:34 AM

One of the ways in which Tour players hit the ball such impressive distances is by maintaining their wrist cock on the down swing. This is known as lag.

Pro’s are able to delay this wrist uncocking in the downswing because they know they will be able to square the clubface quickly to strike crisp, straight shots.

What many amateurs do is start their downswing by opening the shoulders first. This causes the angle of the wrists, and the club, to be released early, something you might have heard referred to as casting.

They are reluctant to hold these tremendous wrist angles deep into the downswing because incorrect grip and wrist positions will cause them to hit the dreaded slice.

From the top of your swing you should feel your lower body driver first, followed by the arms and then the hands. This correct sequence on the way down, with the wrist angle maintained until just before impact, will help to create natural lag and more power at impact.

To create wrist hinge in the backswing, feel like you push the butt of the club down initially as the backswing starts, and then push the butt out away from chest as club gets above waist height.

Imagine that your left arm is one lever and the club shaft is another. Hinge your left wrist on the way back to create a sharp angle between the two levers. As you swing down, try to maintain this angle for as long as possible. Then as you release it, the clubhead will speed up, providing you with more power through impact.

If you are producing natural lag, your hands will arrive at the ball before the club head, as you can see in the picture above.

Focus on getting into this position when practicing to get a feeling for what it is like to maintain the angle of the wrist for longer.