City launches campaign to reduce ‘preventable crime’
North Battleford city hall has an idea to take the neighbourhood watch concept to a whole new level in an effort to reduce preventable crime, but will need residents to join the campaign to make it successful.
City manager, Jim Puffalt, was happy to announce the city is no longer number one on the Crime Severity Index for severe crime, but was disappointed the city still ranked at the top for what he called “preventable crime.”
In an effort to address preventable crime, the city has created the Eyes that Care Campaign. Puffalt said the goal is to get neighborhood residents to get to know one another as much as possible so they will look out for each other and be able to recognize when something isn’t right.
“We believe that if we can engage residents to take responsibility for their areas, that we can achieve a 10 per cent decrease in preventable crimes,” Puffalt said. “We are going to invite people to join our program and we want people to meet their neighbors and display a sign in their front window that shows they’re watching the neighborhood.”